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Waiting to see Kamelot and Nightwish |
I know it sounds crazy but what can I say? If I like something I'll get it even if I have to sacrifice a little of my sleep haha
The wait wasn't that bad until it started to get hotter and hotter! we were barely in the 80's but it felt like 100!! we were in such a good spirits but the dang it was hot!
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It's so hot! and there's not a single cloud around! :( |
The venue (The Complex) wasn't well organizes at all! If i should rate it I would give it a 3/10 and those 3 are just for some nice security guys. everything else was so messy in the sense that it appeared that they didn't know what they were doing!
Some fans were to obessessed in my opinion. I like Nightwish a lot!! but some fans were crazy to the point they look a little stalkerish hmm not good, you know? I like to enjoy the music and appreiate their talent but I really don't see myself going crazy about their personal life and such. They are people just like me and they deserve their privacy and personal space. No stalking please!
Going inside the venue was like hell to be honest .... I really think the people working there were clueless about everything! We were practically the first people waiting in line (I went with my bf and our other friend :D ) and because the staff in the venue were so clueless and not organized we almost lost our spot that cost us so much to get! Fortunately we were able to get our front row just like we wanted!
The wait inside was another story! My bf is quite tall he's 6'2 and the girls behind him were complaining that he was too tall and they couldn't see anything ... like really? if you wanted a good spot why did you choose to stand right behind him? or why didn't you come earlier?? we sacrificed quite a lot to get our front row!! that's what you do to get what you wanted! Jezz these people ...
Finally Kamelot started to play around 8:30 It was so good!! I really like the new singer! he has such a nice voice and presence! and it helps he's quite good looking ;)
I really enjoyed they performance and they are just great! Kamelot is so classic! I wanted more becuase I was having so much fun! But they were the supporting band this time. I'm going to another Kamelot concert whenever they decide to come back here in Salt Lake they really know how to give a show!!
Around 9:30 Nightwish started to play! I'm glad Anette was able to come and sing for us! I read on FB she was sick and went to the hospital and wasn't able to sing for the Denver CO show. When I read the news I was sad but her health is first no matter what so I was ok in the case she wasn't able to sing but she did it! she recoverd a little and was able to be in the show like the great front-woman she is!!
They pretty much played the whole setlist they arranged for the tour (this is the setlist) except for Dead to the World and Song of Myself. Anette was still recovering so it's understandable they cut those songs.
I got pretty impressed by Emppu he's such a character! what a happy man he is! He's always smiling! He really caught my attention and I wanted to see more of his nice smile hehe
Marco is just how you see him in all the videos, that impressive tall guy with the viking beard.that looks from a fairytale or video game :) He seems such a nice person
Jukka is quite nice and wild playing the drums which is just great! He's so fit! Man those arms! XP
Troy reminds me to the Lord of the Rings in a way hmm lol
Anette was just great! She wore the Bebe dress she blogged about a few days ago and she looked amazing! even my bf and friend were saying how hot she looked! Man Anette is such a role model! what a strong woman! I think really highly about her!!
Tuomas was in his own world playing and that's what got my bf's atention the most why? because he liked to see a musician enjoying his music and having fun without trying so hard. :)
It was a great concert! It was worth all the waiting and bad experience with the venue and people behind us in order to see this epic concert!. I got a bottle of water from the guys of Kamelot, a pick from Emppu, and a pick from Marco. I love Nightwish and Kamelot!!
Thanks for reading today's version of "the song of the week" check my past songs if you want!
Have a great day!!